MiG-29 18101 color profile by Dimitrije Ostojic / www.dimitrijeostojic.com

Fulcrum profile


Fulcrum by Dimitrije Ostojic

Realistični kolor crteži projekcija aviona, poznatiji kao “profili“, su sastavni deo svake ozbiljnije publikacije sa vazduhoplovnom tematikom. Sa ovim fantastičnim crtežima susreo sam se još kao klinac, prvo kroz časopise Aerosvet i Aeroplan, a onda i kroz razne druge publikacije. Kao neko ko crta avione bukvalno od ka zna sebe normalno da sam bio oduševljen ovim radovima, i da sam želeo da i ja jednog dana budem u stanju nešto tako lepo da nacrtam.


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March of the Victorious

March of the Victorious

March of the Victorious

Prošlo je 70 godina od kako su pripadnici NOVJ i Crvene Armije oslobodili srpsku prestonicu od okupatora. Događaj koji svakako zaslužuje dostojno obeležavanje. Vojna parada “Korak pobednika” je upravo to i bila. Odlično uvežban defile, sa uglavnom starom, ali uglancanom tehnikom, i ponosnim vojnicima.

Koliko je politička konotacija celog događaja ogavna, toliko je sam nastup Vojske Srbije i sve što je predhodilo tome za svako divljenje. Vojska je pokazala da u besmisleno kratkom peridu može da se pripremi za jedan veliki događaj, koji obično iziskuje mesece planiranja i uvežbavanja. Angažovati 3000 vojnika, 300 komada razne tehnike, 40 letelica i ceo program izvesti po izuetno složenem meteo uslovima je za divljenje.


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© Dimitrije Ostojic  www.dimitrijeostojic.com

Bamby on apron

© Dimitrije Ostojic www.dimitrijeostojic.com

I have seen a lot of different animals inside the area of military air bases, but this one is the strangest so far. This young roe deer came from nowhere straight to the apron where MiG-29 fighters are located. The Bamby, as they call her, is a very curious youngster, which usually seems to be the case with all youngsters, except this one apparently loves airplanes. Even the sound of noisy RD-33 engines does not scare her. When the engine starts she just moves behind the safe line on the apron with the rest of the crew…Curious, but still very caution, she will come few feet from you but she will not let you touch her. The pilots and the ground crew from 101st Fighter Squadron “Vitezovi” (The Knights) take care of her every time she comes to visit them, which is on daily bases…


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241. squadron "Tigers"  - Serbian Air Force© www.dimitrijeostojic.com

The Tigers

On the first day of the 1999 Kosovo War, while the bombs were falling onto Serbia, commander of 98th Aviation regiment, colonel Sreto Malinović, held a short speech for the pilots of 241st squadron “Tigers”, which will one day probably go into history textbooks. After the speech he sat behind the commands of one of the aircrafts and led the formation of “Orao’s” in action against the terrorist’s positions in Kosovo.

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Ladjevci Air Base

In the land of Tigers and Shadows

11. May 2013. – Open Day at Ladjevci Air Base [ 98. Aviation Brigade – Serbian Air Force]
My second visit to the 98. Aviation brigade in last 20 days…This time my plan was to come without a camera, just to enjoy in the flight program and chat with friends (and in same time to rest my shoulders from heavy equipment :) ). As usual at the last moment I decided to go with equipment, and I didn’t regret…


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MiG-29 M2

Batajnica Airshow 2012 : MiG-29 M2

Jedna od zvezda aeromitinga “Batajnica 2012” i avion o kome se dosta piše u domaćoj štampi ovih dana. Informacije iz raznih izvora govore da je nabavka ovih aviona za potrebe avijacije Vojske Srbije sve izglednija, tako da je pravo vreme da podelim sa vama malo fotografija vezanih za ovu temu… Diskusiju oko toga da li će stvarno biti nabavljen i da li je dobar izbor ćemo zanemariti jer je u trenutku kada nema konkretnih informacija potpuno besmislena. Pre nego što pređem na fotografije ne bi bilo loše da razjasnim par stvari oko ovog aviona, pošto se dosta dosta pogrešnih informacija (naročito fotografija) pojavljuje u medijima.


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PHOTO: DIMITRIJE OSTOJIC  //  2012 © www.dimitrijeostojic.com

Magic hour

PHOTO: DIMITRIJE OSTOJIC // 2012 © www.dimitrijeostojic.com

Magic hour is term used in photography and cinematography to describe first and last hour of sunlight when the light produce extraordinary visual effects. However, if you are during that period of day at the military airbase and you are watching flying activities of 241. attack squadron, than it’s more than “magic hour” – it’s pure magic!

21. August 2012. – Orao’s J-22 / NJ-22 @ Ladjevci Airbase – preparations for the 100th anniversary of Serbian Air Force.


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© Dimitrije Ostojic


© Dimitrije Ostojic


“Super Mesec” i Airbus-321.

Ovaj snimak je nastao 6. maja kada je Mesec bio najbliži Zemlji. Iako ovakvi snimci iziskuju mnogo planiranja ovaj je nastao prilično spontano. Te večeri su Facebook preplavile razne fotografije “supermeseca”, pa sam i sam shvatio da je pravo vreme da i ja okinem koji kvadrat. (more…)

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Senke - Shadows / Sa-341 Gazelle © Dimitrije Ostojic


“Senke” su helikopterska eskadrila , koja leti na jednom od najlepših i najelegantnijih helikoptera na svetu – na “Gazeli”. Od svog formiranja 1981. godine, 714. protiv-oklopna eskadrila ViPVO Vojske Srbije, poznatija pod nazivom “Senke” je zadužena za protiv-oklopnu borbu i podršku trupama na zemlji. (more…)

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