Još uvek su se na nebu sijali IC mamci aviona koji su samo nekoliko trenutaka ranije raketirali neprijateljeve položaje, kada su se niotkuda pojavila dva helikoptera u ekstremno niskom letu. Crveni tragovi protiv-oklopnih raketa “Maljutka” ispresecaju peštarski krajolik. Rakete su pogodile ciljeve, a poznate siluete “Gazela” polako se gube među brdima visoravni. Tenkovska četa ulazi u reon dejstva, dok samohodni višecevni raketni bacači “Oganj” dejstvuju po susednom brdu. Zemlja podrhtava od eksplozija, teško je pratiti ko i šta sve puca. Mislio sam da od jadnog uzvišenja ništa nije ostalo…
Month: October 2009

Batajnica Airshow 2009
This is re-post of the first blog post from this blog, which was originally published on 17th October 2009. Due to some technical problems, this blog post was offline from 2010 till now. While reading keep in mind that this article was written 7 years ago…
Once upon a time…
My first association to the words Batajnica and airshow is Batajnica ’97, the first airshow I attended and also my first visit to a military airbase. It was impressive to see all the aircrafts at one place… Imagine a thirteen year old boy crazy about airplanes seeing at one place giants like Sukhoi 30 or Mirage 2000… Back in those days there were a lot of aircrafts, I remember that MIG 21 was shining like it just rolled out of factory, also beautiful G4M and many other aircrafts with their appearance clearly stated we have aviation worthy of respect. In those moments no one was counting how many Oraos or Super Galebs we have in arsenal, it seemed they were countless. I remember that the airshow ended with the performance of displey team “Leteće Zvezde” and JAT’s DC-10 in formation.