Ski transverzala između dva švajcarska planinska gradića Arole (Arolla) i Cermata (Zermatt) važi za jednu od posećenijih ruta u peninskim Alpima. Skoro 2200 metara spusta niz glečare sa vrha Tet Blanš (Tête Blanche 3706), tik ispod zapadnih i severnih padina čuvenog Materhorna (Matterhorn 4478) je možda vrhunac ove dvodnevne avanture, ali ne i jedina stvar koja ostaje u pamćenju…

Matterhorn is one of the highest and for climbing technically most difficult Alpine peaks. It’s located between Switzerland and Italy and has hight of 4478 meters. Because of its incredible pyramid-like shape it has become the symbol of Alps and Switzerland and you can see it’s shape on the wrappers of many Swiss chocolates and other products… Thousands of people every year come to climb it or just to admire it. In few words Matterhorn is beautiful and scary at the same time!