Prvog aprila 1961. godine, tokom velike reorganizacije JNA „Drvar-1”¹ formirana je 241. lovačko-bombarderska avijacijska eskadrila na aerodromu Petrovac kraj Skoplja. Šezdeset godina kasnije 241. lbae i dalje postoji. Leti na nekim drugim avionima, sa drugog matičnog aerodroma, ali istoriju ne zaboravlja i primerno obeležava svoj „rođendan”.

Orlovi sa Morave
Pre 45 godina i koji dan, tačnije 31. oktobra 1974. godine, poleteo je prvi prototip jugoslovenskog jurišnika Orao. Projekat je prošao trnovit put od table za crtanje do finalne verzije koja je zadovoljavala tehničko-taktičke zahteve. Od prvog leta do prvog aviona u finalnoj verziji (sa forsažnim motorima RR Vajper 633-41) koji isporučen jedinici prošlo je skoro 15 godina. I taman kada se činilo da JRV i PVO konačno počinje da stvarno prihvata Orla, kada je uspostavljen kontinuitet obuke, kada se vazduhoplovno-tehničko osoblje uhodalo, desili su se nesretni sukobi 90-ih.

The Tigers
On the first day of the 1999 Kosovo War, while the bombs were falling onto Serbia, commander of 98th Aviation regiment, colonel Sreto Malinović, held a short speech for the pilots of 241st squadron “Tigers”, which will one day probably go into history textbooks. After the speech he sat behind the commands of one of the aircrafts and led the formation of “Orao’s” in action against the terrorist’s positions in Kosovo.

In the land of Tigers and Shadows
11. May 2013. – Open Day at Ladjevci Air Base [ 98. Aviation Brigade – Serbian Air Force]
My second visit to the 98. Aviation brigade in last 20 days…This time my plan was to come without a camera, just to enjoy in the flight program and chat with friends (and in same time to rest my shoulders from heavy equipment :) ). As usual at the last moment I decided to go with equipment, and I didn’t regret…
My second visit to the 98. Aviation brigade in last 20 days…This time my plan was to come without a camera, just to enjoy in the flight program and chat with friends (and in same time to rest my shoulders from heavy equipment :) ). As usual at the last moment I decided to go with equipment, and I didn’t regret…