(English) Pasuljanske Livade live firing

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 Gallery with photos from the live firing exercise held at “Pasuljanske livade” firing rang.  The pilots from 241. attack squadron „Tigers“ practiced firing with 57mm unguided rockets and 23mm cannon shells, and helicopter pilots from 714. anti-Armour helicopter squad. „Shadows“  launched their 9M14M “Malyutka” ( AT-3 Sagger) anti-tank guided missiles. Both squadrons are part of 98. Aviation Brigade of Serbian Air Force.  „Tigers“ are using Soko J-22 and NJ-22 Orao aircraft and „Shadows“ are flying SA-321 / SA-342 Gazelle ( GAMA )  helicopters. You can find original blog post with more information here:  Live fire exercise @ Pasuljanske Livade


All photos © Dimitrije Ostojic 2012


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